Our income is totally dependent on donations from individuals, companies and trusts. We receive no government funding.
Funds are spent in the region (Edinburgh, Grampian Highlands and Islands, Strathclyde and Tayside & NE Fife) where they are raised, supporting research in academic institutions and clinical centres in that area. This local accountability ensures close monitoring of funding to maximise the benefits.
There are many exciting pilot research projects that we could support, with the potential to make a major impact on future health. All donations help us fund today’s research for tomorrow’s health.
We will make the most of your donation. Many involved in Tenovus Scotland volunteer their services and this keeps our administration costs to a minimum, so over 96p in every £1 donated in the last 6 years is used to fund research.
Tenovus Scotland pilot grants are small (up to £20,000 dependent on Region) so even modest support from you can make a significant contribution towards an additional grant being made. There is no risk of any contribution being lost in a much larger pool.
Tenovus Scotland has a rigorous two-stage scientific ‘peer review’ process, with independent external expert reviewers selecting the best projects both locally and then nationally in Scotland. So you can be sure your donation is funding the very best projects.
By donating, you are making a difference at the key early stage of medical research, funding tomorrow’s potential big medical breakthroughs. You are also helping early-career scientists, enabling them to develop their research career in Scotland.
Tenovus Scotland funds projects from across the full range of medicine and healthcare. By supporting us, you are not limited to research into any single disease area, but will be funding the best scientific studies in any clinical area.
Tenovus support has given me the opportunity to optimise and develop methods to generate novel and important genome data on clinically relevant malaria parasites that will, in the long term, improve our understanding of severe malaria and inform rational treatment development.
Dr Janet Cox-Singh
© 2025 Tenovus Scotland : Charity Number SC009675